1920 Frank Chapman, DO, discovered a Reflex link between Endocrine Glands, the Viscera & Lymphatics. “An Endocrine Interpretation of Chapman’s Reflexes”, was written by Charles Owens, DO (Chapman’s brother-in law) in 1937. In this book, he proposes that the stimulation of the Chapman’s Reflexes contributes to lymphatic drainage, balances the Autonomic Nervous System, and is beneficial to the Reflex’s target Organs and Glands. He suggests certain protocols for working with these Reflexes and describes the key role the Endocrine system plays when considering a more systemic approach to their use.
The relative constancy of the anatomic topography of Chapman's reflexes makes it possible to establish the location of pathology without knowing its nature. In considering the reflex effect on lymphatics, Dr. Chapman apparently assumed the existence of a neuro-lymphatic reflex (in the sense that we speak of neuro-vascular, neuro-muscular, neuro-humeral, etc.) as a part of the body's homeostatic mechanisms.