Positional Release Technique
from a dynamic systems perspective
Author/Editor: Denise Deig
By Denise Deig, MS,PT,GCFP, BFLT/T
Denise has an undergraduate degree in psychology from Indiana University and her professional training in physical therapy was completed at the University of California, San Fransisco. She completed her MS degree in 1994 from the university of Indianapolis, and studied with Arthur Lincoln Pauls while in California.
Denise is an Advanced Instructor or of Ortho-Bionomy®, has completed the Feldenkrais® professional training program and is a member of the Feldenkrais Guild. She is a Bones for Life trainer and teaches locally in Indianapolis and on a national basis.
Organized into three parts, this book begins with a full discussion of dynamic systems theory and the theoretical foundations of Positional Release, Examinations, treatment interventions, and patient response are also discussed. With more than 200 illustrations, the second part provides step-by-step instructions for muscular, joint and isometric applications of the technique. These vivid illustrations of each muscle along with photographs demonstrating the technique, enhance the explanation for each release. Finally, relevant case studies are included that allow you to see how the technique can be applied in practice.