SOBI Membership Levels and Benefits
Practitioners-Advanced Practitioners
Instructors-Advanced Instructors
Student Members – Anyone who is interested in Ortho-Bionomy or takes an occasional class may become a student member on SOBI. These members may not be on a professional track, but they do want to learn more about Ortho-Bionomy and support their friends and family with what they are learning.
Associate Members – Associate members have completed a basic proficiency level of Ortho-Bionomy training. This includes 114 hours of training and a recommendation for approval by a registered SOBI instructor. Many Associate members have training in other approaches to healing and add Ortho-Bionomy to the work they are already doing.
Associates in Practitioner Training – This membership level is for Associate members who have committed to complete the SOBI Practitioner Training Program (PTP) and become professional members.
Practitioners – Practitioners are the first professional level of SOBI members and have completed the 509-hour Practitioner Training Program (PTP). Evolvement to this level confirms that they have a competent understanding of the practice of Ortho-Bionomy. They have been recommended by their evaluating instructors and the Practitioner Review Committee (PRC) for evolvement, and have been approved by the SOBI Board of Directors.
Advanced Practitioners – Advanced Practitioners have completed the both the PTP and the 500-hour Advanced Practitioner Training Program (APTP). Advanced Practitioners have demonstrated a deeper understanding of Ortho-Bionomy principles. They have been recommended by their evaluating instructors and the PRC for evolvement, and have approved by the Board.
Associate Instructors – Associate Instructors have completed the PTP, APTP, have attended a 40-hour Instructor Training Seminar and have completed the minimum required bench-assists in Phase 4 Ortho-Bionomy classes. They have been recommended by their supervising instructors, advisor(s), and the Instructor Review Committee (IRC) for evolvement, and have been approved by the Board.
Instructors – Instructors have completed all the requirements and training from preceding levels, have attended a second 40-hour Instructor Training Seminar, and have completed the minimum required co-teaches and supervised teaches in Phase 4 Ortho-Bionomy classes. They have been recommended by their supervising instructors, advisor(s), and the IRC for evolvement, and have been approved by the Board.
Associate Advanced Instructors – Associate Advanced Instructors have completed all the requirements and training from preceding levels and have completed the recommended number of bench assists, co-teaches, and supervised teaches in Phase 5 Ortho-Bionomy classes. They have been recommended by their supervising instructors, advisors, and IRC for evolvement, and have been approved by the Board.
Advanced Instructors – Advanced Instructors have completed all the requirements and training from preceding levels and have completed the recommended number of bench assists, co-teaches, and supervised teaches in Phase 6 Ortho-Bionomy classes. They have been recommended by their supervising instructors, advisors, and IRC for evolvement, and have been approved by the Board.