Online SOBI Sponsored Study Groups

Ortho-BionomyThe Society of Ortho-Bionomy International sponsors monthly Online Study Groups. They are primarily in a conference call format and are taught by various Registered Ortho-Bionomy Instructors via Zoom.

Our Study Groups cover a variety of topics and also count towards the study group requirements in the Practitioner and Advanced Practitioner Training Programs.

The receipt received upon registration will have a link to download the handout, any preview materials and the Zoom link. Be sure you have these materials available before you login to the study group. 

There is a limit to class size, so be sure to register early.

After a group finishes, all attendees will be emailed an evaluation form for that session. To receive study group credit attendees will need to keep their cameras on during the study group and complete and submit the evaluation form within two weeks.

Recordings of select past study groups are also available in the SOBI Bookstore.

The study groups are a full three hours, with no credit given for homework time.

Out of respect for the Instructor and the other students please be on time for the study group.


Open Q&A; And the Value of Whole-Body Assessments and Chapman’s Reflexes

with SOBI Registered Advanced Instructor Ann Hoeffel

April 17, 2025

6:00 PM Eastern, 5:00 PM Central, 4:00 PM Mountain, 3:00 PM Pacific, 12:00 PM Hawaii (US and Canada)

Three hours

SOBI member $55; non-member $75

This study group will be partly a good old-fashioned study group, during which students ask questions about anything related to Ortho-Bionomy, the programs, and their practice.

And partly a discussion on whole-body assessments and Chapman’s Reflexes.

We’ll discuss how to use assessments to educate clients about the value of Ortho-Bionomy and the work we’re doing with them in every session.

Chapman’s Reflexes are important to a whole system view and to the results of our work.  With Chapman’s we can solve mysteries, get more long-lasting results in less time, and more.  We’ll discuss a few key areas for common complaints.

To me, whole-body assessments and Chapman’s are like super bonuses for clients, to how much we can help them, and build our practice in the process.

This study group is for beginning to advanced students. 

Preparation suggestions: write out any questions you have. For assessments and Chapman’s topics, reflect on clients you’ve seen, perhaps review notes and see if questions arise.

Required: An Endocrine Interpretation of Chapman’s Reflexes available through SOBI Bookstore.



Ann Hoeffel PicAnn Hoeffel is Owner/Director of The Sun Center, and a registered Advanced Instructor of Ortho-Bionomy. A Wholistic Health Practitioner, Teacher and Artist, Ann has been in private practice and studying wholistic healing systems professionally for over 35 years.

Committed to lifelong learning, Ann has had extensive training of more than 4800 hours live hands-on coursework, 35 years in private practice, 22 years teaching bodywork, years teaching other stuff, and a BS in Education from the University of Wisconsin.


2025 SOBI Study Groups

May 15
Sara Sunstein
Chapman's for Self-Care

June 19
Lynne Marotta/Melissa Malm
SOBI Trademark Policy

July 17
Bruce Stark
Working with Neurological Dysfunction

August 21
Luann Overmyer
Ask Luann Anything
October 16
Bettina Beaucamp
November 20
Morel Stackhouse
Ethics and Emotions
December 18
Rouel Cazanjian
Phase 7



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