Current Society Newsletter & Advertising Information


  Jan. 2025 Ortho-Bionomy Newsletter


Advertising in the SOBI Newsletter

Advertising is available for the Newsletter. Ortho-Bionomy® News is published quarterly as a membership publication of the Society of Ortho-Bionomy International®. Subscriptions are available to non-members electronically for $25.00 per year. Distribution ranges between 500 - 700 members.

Deadlines for artwork and articles:

April Issue due March 1st

July Issue due June 1st

October Issue due September 1st

January issue due December 1st


Newsletter Advertising Rates


Add Size                                     Mmbr Single Ad        Mmbr 4 Ads       N-Mmbr Single      N- Mmbr 4 Ads

1/8 page (3.7/8" x 2.18")                    $50                        $150                              $75                                  $250 

1/4 Page (3.7/8" x 5.1/4")                  $75                        $250                             $100                                $350

1/2 Page (3.7/8 x 10.1/285.1/4"   $100                      $350                             $125                                $450          

or 8”x 5.1/4”)     

3/4  Page (8”x 7.3/4”)                            $125                    $450                              $150                                 $550

Full Page                                                        $150                    $550                              $175                                 $650                                                                   



All advertising must be camera ready and be within the size requirements outlined above.  For best image of ad in newsletter have it formatted as a high resolution 300 dpi jpg. The Society reserves the right to review and approve all advertising.

CLICK HERE to Purchase Advertisements!

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