Chapman's Reflexes Charts
Denise Deig
At long last---we have easy to read and use charts of Chapman's Neurolymphatic Reflexes!
Based on the book "An Endocrine Interpretation of Chapman's Reflexes" by Drs. Frank Chapman and Charles Owens, these charts have been lovingly created and grouped not only by location but also physiological function by our own Denise Deig, Advanced Instructor, MS, PT, GCFP, BFLT/T.
The full set of 18 charts are organized by - Anterior/Posterior, Thoracic/Pelvis and Leg, Infection Group, C-Spine and Head, Parascapulars, Digestive Group, Sciatic Neuritis, Shoulder and Hand Group, Urinary Tract Points, Thoracic Vital Organs, Male and Female Pelvis.
In all you get Nine, 9"x11" beautiful charts printed front and back for easy reference and laminated for durability.