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An Endocrine Interpretation of Chapman's Reflexes
Author/Editor: Charles Owens
1920 Frank Chapman, DO, discovered a Reflex link between Endocrine Glands, the Viscera & Lymphatics. “An Endocrine Interpretation of Chapman’s Reflexes”, was written by Charles Owens, DO (Chapman’s brother-in law) in 1937. In this book, he proposes that the stimulation of the Chapman’s Reflexes contributes to lymphatic drainage, balances the Autonomic Nervous System, and is beneficial to the Reflex’s target Organs and Glands. He suggests certain protocols for working with these Reflexes and describes the key role the Endocrine system plays when considering a more systemic approach to their use.
The relative constancy of the anatomic topography of Chapman's reflexes makes it possible to establish the location of pathology without knowing its nature. In considering the reflex effect on lymphatics, Dr. Chapman apparently assumed the existence of a neuro-lymphatic reflex (in the sense that we speak of neuro-vascular, neuro-muscular, neuro-humeral, etc.) as a part of the body's homeostatic mechanisms.
Arthur the Panda
Author/Editor: Sada Bist
A Practical Introduction to Ortho-Bionomy®
An illustrated 84 -page paperback about Ortho- Bionomy®, written for beginners as well as advanced and expert users of this method.
Arthur the Panda gives a short introduction to this form of bodywork. In this lovingly illustrated book, panda bear Arthur explains the principles of Ortho- Bionomy® which apply for treating other people as well as yourself. He gives some simple suggestions and demonstrates a number of effective exercises which can be easily integrated into your daily routine.
Concept and text by Sada Hilde Bist Illustration by Lutz Lange
Ortho-Bionomy A Path to Self-Care
Author/Editor: Luann Overmyer
Offers effective ways of working with pain throughout the entire body, following the body’s structure, one specific area or condition at a time. Selected topics include low back, hip and knee pain, neck, shoulder, and rib releases, repetitive strain injuries, and arthritic pain in the hands. Quick support for sciatica, suggestions for dealing with menstrual cramps, and gentle movement exercises to address posture, scoliosis, and restore the natural curves and flexibility to the spine are just a few among the 150 techniques described. Hands-on professionals, fitness instructors and holistic health practitioners will appreciate this book for themselves and as a resource for their clients & students. Luann Overmyer is a registered Advanced Instructor of Ortho-Bionomy.
260 pages Paperback
Ortho-Bionomy®: A Practical Manual
Author/Editor: Kathy Kain and Jim Berns
The first published book on Ortho-Bionomy and a great companion to hands-on classes, Kathy Kain & Jim Berns share the philosophy and concepts of Ortho-Bionomy. The illustrations and clear technical instructions show the standard movements taught in Ortho-Bionomy classes. The student is guided in learning this gentle, effective approach to somatic re-education. Ortho-Bionomy’s primary benefit lies in helping people to break the cycle of pain by learning how to correct structural and somatic dysfunction and to release stress. This noninvasive, quick acting approach is an effective preparation for mobilization, movement and therapeutic exercise. Jim Berns is a registered Advanced Instructor of Ortho-Bionomy.
Positional Release Technique
Author/Editor: Denise Deig
from a dynamic systems perspective
By Denise Deig, MS,PT,GCFP, BFLT/T
Denise has an undergraduate degree in psychology from Indiana University and her professional training in physical therapy was completed at the University of California, San Fransisco. She completed her MS degree in 1994 from the university of Indianapolis, and studied with Arthur Lincoln Pauls while in California.
Denise is an Advanced Instructor or of Ortho-Bionomy®, has completed the Feldenkrais® professional training program and is a member of the Feldenkrais Guild. She is a Bones for Life trainer and teaches locally in Indianapolis and on a national basis.
Organized into three parts, this book begins with a full discussion of dynamic systems theory and the theoretical foundations of Positional Release, Examinations, treatment interventions, and patient response are also discussed. With more than 200 illustrations, the second part provides step-by-step instructions for muscular, joint and isometric applications of the technique. These vivid illustrations of each muscle along with photographs demonstrating the technique, enhance the explanation for each release. Finally, relevant case studies are included that allow you to see how the technique can be applied in practice.
The Philosophy & History of Ortho-Bionomy
Author/Editor: Arthur Lincoln Pauls, D.O.
The Evolvement of the Original Concept
In a book that is one part spiritual autobiography and one part explorer's journal, Arthur Lincoln Pauls recounts the experiences that led him to develop Ortho-Bionomy®, the gentle, yet profound bodywork discipline that incorporates "the correct application of the laws of Life"
This second revised second edition features 10 pages of photographs chronicling the life and times of a man who sought to free healing, wholeness, and the truth from the confines of existing belief systems.
ALP Recordings
ALP Educational Recordings ~ Series 1
Phase 4 / Post Techniques / Home Exercises
Series 1 Content:
- Neck & Thoracic (51 minutes)
- Lumbar, Sacro-iliac, Hips, Knees, Feet (58 minutes)
- Ribs, Shoulder, Elbow, Hand (55 minutes)
- Post Techniques/Home Exercises (55 minutes)
These Phase 4 recordings were filmed in Las Vegas and New Orleans in the summer of 1989 in between teaching seminars in the USA. These films were a family effort: Harreson, Arthur's son, was the cameraman; Tanya, his daughter, was nicknamed "the body" on the table. What you see here is the real Arthur showing us genuine natural Ortho-Bionomy methods. These films were created as a teaching tool, to help us fully understand the depth of Arthur's "original concept." He believed true healing comes from the connection, and the understanding we all possess, that lies within us all, but we have forgotten.
After completing your order you will be emailed a link to the recordings.
ALP Educational Recordings ~ Series 2
Author/Editor: Arthur Lincoln Pauls
Phase 5 / The 4 Responses / Phase 6 / Philosophy
Series 2 Content:
- Phase 5 Techniques (1 hour, 22 minutes)
- The Four Responses (56 minutes)
- Phase 6 Techniques & Philosophy (44 minutes)
The Phase 5 techniques were filmed in Switzerland in the fall of 1989 by Arthur Lincoln Pauls' son, Harreson.
Jeannie Yaeger, now sadly passed away, was chosen as the model for demonstrating these techniques because of her sensitivity for Phase 5. Note that Arthur does not say much in this series since he felt "the energy spoke for itself" and Phases 5 and 6 were meant for the advanced student of Ortho-Bionomy.
In the Phase 6 recordings, Lucia Giannetoni was the model, now an Advanced teacher of Ortho-Bionomy in Switzerland. She has an amazing sensitivity for Auric energy and was one of Arthur's favorite students.
After completing your order you will be emailed a link to the recordings.
ALP Educational Recordings ~ Series 1 & Series 2
Purchase access to the recordings of both Series 1 & 2 together and save $15.
After completing your order you will be emailed a link to the recordings.
Cranial Ortho-Bionomy
Arthur's cranial Ortho-Bionomy is the culmination of a lifetime's experience of energy work, along with the integration of advanced techniques of Ortho-Bionomy.
Arthur believed the Cranium contained over 80% of the body's energy. For this reason alone, it cannot be approached and worked with by using purely physical techniques.
The techniques shown in this video go beyond physical understandings we have today of the Cranium and how it functions.
An understanding of energy work and the Four Responses are a requirement to grasp the gentle and delicate nature of Arthur's amazing Cranial techniques (90 minutes).
After completing your order you will be emailed a link to the recording.
Pearls of Wisdom
Pearls of Wisdom is a collection of Arthur's thoughts and philosophy, distilled and remastered from archived video footage from the 1980's. Experience and insight from the founder of Ortho-Bionomy®. (87 minutes)
After completing your order you will be emailed a link to the recording.
A Portal to the Eighties
A Portal to the Eighties is a collection of moments showing Arthur in his favorite element, as a teacher.
To understand the origins of Ortho-Bionomy, to see and hear the man behind it all gives a unique and valuable insight to evolve his vision and understandings ever onwards. (30 minutes)
After completing your order you will be emailed a link to the recording.
Arthur-Bionomy is a name coined by Arthur for his personal style of Ortho-Bionomy. This includes being at "play" as he more often liked to call it.
Get a behind the scenes glimpse of the man who dedicated his life to helping people understand his world.
In a Residential setting, Arthur often said the "real" class many times took place out of the classroom. When students are relaxed and not "trying" to learn, understanding happens all by itself. (60 Minutes)
After completing your order you will be emailed a link to the recording.
Arthur the Panda Postcards
This charming set of 11 different postcards with Arthur the Panda make a lovely gift or marketing tool to share with others. Follow the link to the author's website to see the motifs included with each set of 11 cards.
Phase 8 Series: All 5 DVDs
By Advanced Instructor Terri Lee
Get all 5 DVD's at $250 for a savings of $15.
- Phase 4 Spine
- Phase 4 Extremities
- Isometrics
- Posture & Post Techniques
- Exploration of Movement
Phase 8 Series: Phase 4 Spine
By Advanced Instructor Terri Lee
This presentation features a variety of ways in which the body, using it's own self corrective reflexes, employing the principles of Ortho-Bionomy®, alleviates pain, tension and stress. Included are sections on the Neck, Ribs (Front and Back), Thoracic Spine, Psoas, Ilium and Lumbars.
Phase 8 Series: Phase 4 Extremities
By Advanced Instructor Terri Lee
This presentation features a variety of ways in which the body, using it's own self-corrective reflexes, employing the principles of Ortho-Bionomy®, alleviates pain, tension,and stress. Included are sections on the Shoulders, Scapulas, Elbows, Wrists, Hands, Hips, Knees, Ankles and Feet.
Phase 8 Series: Isometrics
By Advanced Instructor Terri Lee
This presentation focuses on incorporating Ortho-Bionomy® principles with the gentle active resistance of Isometric techniques. Using the principles you will learn how to apply specific isometric / isotonic techniques to assist the client in achieving structural balance. Using Isometrics enhances our ability to to apply the principles of Ortho-Bionomy to support and exaggerate the unconscious tension patterns. This in turn resets the contraction & stretch reflexes, bringing ease of movement and balance back to the body. This aspect of Ortho-Bionomy is excellent for people who seemingly "can't let go"or "relax"
Phase 8 Series: Posture and Post Techniques
By Advanced Instructor Terri Lee
This presentation focuses on the spine, it’s natural curves, movement, and the dysfunctional patterns which create our postures. This presentation incorporates Ortho-Bionomy® principles, applying specific techniques that bring intrinsic movement to the spine and rib cage. These principles teach assessment skills. Additionally, they provide tools to integrate the work done during a session. Techniques that work with spinal curvatures like scoliosis and lordosis are presented. You will learn to evaluate and address these inefficient postural patterns with simple exercises that facilitate a person’s ability to gain and maintain new postural habits.
Everyone can use these simple, easy to learn principles and techniques to help their friends, family and loved ones. We empower ourselves by becoming more aware of the tension patterns held in our bodies. This deeper understanding allows us to feel more comfortable and with greater ease of movement in our bodies as well as our lives.
All of the persons used to demonstrate in this film were evaluated for the first time, in front of the cameras at the time of filming. This was their first experience with Terri Lee and Ortho-Binomy.
Phase 8 Series: Exploration of Movement
By Advanced Instructor Terri Lee
This presentation focuses on the observation and exploration of joint and muscle movement patterns. Applying the principles of Ortho-Bionomy® will allow you to facilitate the release of acute and chronic holding patterns that create pain and tension. Learn how to follow the body's movement preferences to enhance the fluid motion between joints and muscles of the body thereby stimulating the body's self-corrective reflexes to enhance comfort. Some of the sections included are the Neck, Shoulders, Scapulas, Hips, Knees, and Pelvis.
SOBI Merchandise
Chapman's Reflexes Charts
Denise Deig
At long last---we have easy to read and use charts of Chapman's Neurolymphatic Reflexes!
Based on the book "An Endocrine Interpretation of Chapman's Reflexes" by Drs. Frank Chapman and Charles Owens, these charts have been lovingly created and grouped not only by location but also physiological function by our own Denise Deig, Advanced Instructor, MS, PT, GCFP, BFLT/T.
The full set of 18 charts are organized by - Anterior/Posterior, Thoracic/Pelvis and Leg, Infection Group, C-Spine and Head, Parascapulars, Digestive Group, Sciatic Neuritis, Shoulder and Hand Group, Urinary Tract Points, Thoracic Vital Organs, Male and Female Pelvis.
In all you get Nine, 9"x11" beautiful charts printed front and back for easy reference and laminated for durability.
Printable Brochure PDF
New SOBI Brochure!
Download the PDF provided on the receipt and you can print your own brochures.
SOBI Power Bank - Portable Battery
This little battery backup will keep your mobile devices charged up. The 2,200 mAh Jolt Power Bank contains a Li-Ion Grade A battery. The 5V/1A USB output means that it charges at the same rate of most wall chargers. Includes a USB to Micro USB connecting cable which can recharge the battery backup or be used to charge up devices with a Micro USB input like Android Smartphones from Samsung®, Motorola®, HTC®, Nokia®, and others. Our batteries have undergone evaluation for numerous quality standards.
These are pre Apple 'C' chargers.
SOBI Newsletter
Hard-Copy Annual Subscription
Quarterly edition of current newsletter with personal articles, evolvements, news from the Board of Directors and letters from the membership. For use personally or professionally as a marketing tool.
SOBI Newsletter
Set of 10 Hard Copies
Quarterly edition of current newsletter with personal articles, evolvements, news from the Board of Directors and letters from the membership. Offered to our members as a marketing.tool.
Advanced Applications of the Circle Theory with Jim Berns
This is a recording of a SOBI sponsored study group.
You may already be familiar with the Circle Theory in Ortho-Bionomy, often used working with the shoulders and patella.
In this study group, we will explore deeper applications of using the Circle Theory throughout the whole body:
- In Different Phases
- Skin/Muscle/Bone Levels
- Constricted Muscles
- Joints
- Individual Vertebrae Reflexes
- And In a Variety of Creative Ways.
Jim will show Advanced Applications of the Circle Theory in ways that you may never have thought about.
After checking out you will receive a link to the video of the recording. Please note, no CE credit will be given for this recording.
Cervical Vertebrae with Tanya Pauls
This is a recording of a SOBI sponsored study group.
In this 'hands on' class you will learn various techniques including release of tension in the cervical spine and some corresponding tension points discovered by the Founder, Arthur Lincoln Pauls.
Post techniques and home exercises will be taught afterwards for greater movement and flexibility.
To get the most out of this study group you will want to have a practice partner during class.
After checking out you will receive a link to the video of the recording. Please note, no CE credit will be given for this recording.
The Body Schema with Richard Valasek
This is a recording of a SOBI sponsored study group.
Taking a phenomenological view of Ortho-Bionomy, we will hold focus as much as possible on your own experience as a practitioner. The body schema is your body's own subjective experience of itself. The body schema works in at least three moods: the indicative, the imperative, and the subjunctive. That is to say, it describes how the body is arranged in relation to its immediate surround (indicative mood), it gives commands (imperative), and considers possibilities (subjunctive). The subjunctive is the as-if body. Before the flesh-body moves through space, it is preceded by the as-if body.
The body schema plays a key role in responding to trauma.
I consider Chapman's Reflex Network to be of the body schema.
The last section of this pot of notes is a kind of list of things—practices—we might do. And wonder together about. Praxis.
After checking out you will receive a link to the video of the recording. Please note, no CE credit will be given for this recording.
Ortho-Bionomy Principles and Reflexology with Peggy Scott
This is a recording of a SOBI sponsored study group.
Students will learn 3 different strategies for interfacing Ortho-Bionomy and Foot Reflexology, adding depth to any comprehensive treatment. Familiarity with the fundamentals of Foot Reflexology will be helpful, and will be reviewed briefly in class.
Suggested reading: Feet First by Laura Norman. This book includes a chart which will be helpful as well. Purchase a copy through your local bookstore or online here or here.
It will greatly improve your experience if you have a practice partner available during the class, either on a table or in a recliner.
After checking out you will receive a link to the video of the recording. Please note, no CE credit will be given for this recording.
Resourcing for Clients and Practitioners with Cathy Krenicky
This is a recording of a SOBI sponsored study group.
In this study group we will explore the definition of resourcing along with why and when we would use this tool.
- What am I seeing, hearing or touching right now that feels pleasurable or calming?
- Where in my body am I feeling that?
- What are the qualities?
- Am I warm or chilly?
It is easy to become fixated on unpleasant sensations, relive past experiences, or float away into a familiar pattern.
We will discuss strategies to make intervention comfortable and effective using verbal, energetic, and hands on techniques.
After checking out you will receive a link to the video of the recording. Please note, no CE credit will be given for this recording.